Do you wonder what marketing strategy to adopt? Find out what push and pull ads are and what results they bring.
Online advertising strategies can be divided among others into push and pull. They both have their good and bad sides; however, their proper combination may bring surprising effects. What is push and pull advertising? How to use them in advertising activities?
What is push and pull advertising?
Push advertising comprises all marketing communication tools that are aimed at “pushing” content to a recipient. On the web we most often deal with push notifications, newsletters, mailings, and short messages. A push strategy relies on the permission marketing principle, which means that in order to receive messages, one should sign in to subscribers’ base. This definitely impacts on the level of engagement of recipients who themselves select what information they want to receive from online stores, blogs or news websites. Depending on the tool, they can have a text, graphic or video form.
In turn, the aim of pull advertising is to spark interest or create demand for a given product or service. It offers tools that potential customers opt for themselves; however, to get to know the content they must be aware that such a tool exists. Recipients actively search on their own for content and products of a given brand. Social media and blogs are typical examples here.
Differences between the push and pull strategy
The push strategy is the concept of direct activities influencing potential customers in order to encourage them to purchase and change company’s perception. It is also intended to inform consumers of offered value, services, products, promotions and other benefits associated with the purchase. In other words, the push strategy creates the need, assumes direct reaching out to the customer and is targeted directly at the recipient. Whereas, in the pull strategy the information is required by users who consciously look for it, somehow identifying with the brand values.
Why is it worth combining both strategies?
Push and pull are the two strategies which are only theoretically opposite. In fact, they perfectly complement each other. If we want to inform recipients of a new brand, product or service, it is worth focusing on push promotional activities, simultaneously implementing pull tools. For example: a recipient reads a blog article, signs in to the subscribers’ base and after a few days he or she receives a push message informing of a new entry. They don’t even need to have an open website, only a browser. If the message is appealing, the user may independently search for additional information. Interestingly, the social media offer increasing possibilities of using the mixture of push and pull strategies. For instance, suitable advert targeting on Facebook, delivery of interesting content and bridging the distance by means of Messenger are likely to give very good effects.