PushAd Freemium – a free tool
You probably already know that PushAd means more than just sending web push notifications. The application complies with the GDPR, while the panel is simple and intuitive to use. If you are a publisher, you can use our full-fledged PushAd tool for free.
Each of the users who visit your site will be invited to enable notifications and join your subscribers’ base. By agreeing to do so, the Internet user does not provide any personal data, such as telephone number or e-mail address. As a publisher, you can use the PushAd tool free of charge. In return, based on your users’ profiles, we implement campaigns for our partners. We are committed not to flood your subscribers with spam; therefore, such messages are sent no more than once a week. In addition, the precise targeting of sent ads will ensure that the message will reach recipients probably interested in the proposed offer.
No more low CTRs generated by newsletters that often don’t reach your readers
- An average CTR of push messages sent is 19.8%.
- Over 12% of users sign up for notifications.
- PushAd works with Chrome, Firefox, and Safari browsers, on desktops and Android mobile devices, covering over 74% of Internet users in Poland.