Push notifications in Chrome
Start building the Chrome user base!
Push Notifications for Chrome are real-time and clickable pop-ups that you can display on computer or phone screens of your customers (subscribers), even if they do not have your website open and the user is not currently using the browser (it is enough to have the browser running in the background).
PushAd enables sending push notifications and re-attracting to your website the users who have subscribed to receive notifications. Push Notifications are supported by Chrome on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, as well as Chrome OS and Android. Notifications reach users even when they have left your website or have closed the browser. Notifications are displayed on computer screens or phone and tablet notification panels.

How to start sending notifications to your customers in Chrome!
You don’t need to integrate anything to send notifications. You don’t need any programming knowledge either. We have a ready-to-use tool that you can launch in 5 minutes.
PushAd can be easily run on your website. We will guide you through step by step.

Copy and paste the PushAd code
After having registered your account with PushAd, you will receive a unique code that you need to copy and paste in the HEAD section of your website. We will automatically check whether this has been done correctly.

Attract subscribers
Once you have pasted the code, a banner enabling users to subscribe to receive notifications will be displayed on your website. The only thing they need to do to sign up is to click one button. It’s as simple as that.

Send notifications
You can send notifications to your customers in real time. Notification pop-ups link to the URL that you specify.
Yes, it really works!