Push notyfikacje w Mozilla Firefox
Start building Mozilla Firefox users database!
Firefox supports notifications that may be sent from your website. Push notifications for Mozilla Firefox are clickable popups sent in real time that you can display on the computers or tablets of your customers (subscribers) even if they have left your website and they are not using the browser at the moment (provided that the browser runs in the background). Notifications delivery is supported by Chrome 44 and its newer versions.
PushAd enables sending push notifications to reattract to your website those users that have subscribed to receive notifications. Push Notifications are supported by Mozilla Firefox under Widows, Linux and Mac OS X. Notifications reach users even after they have left your website or even closed their browsers. Notifications are displayed on computer screens or notification panels of telephones or tablets. This notifications are very similar to Web Notifications, the only difference being that push subscribers receive notifications even after they have left your site or closed their browsers. It’s an extremely useful feature for sites such as email services, information services, social networks or online shops. Thanks to this users of such websites are up to date with issues that are of interest to them through notifications displayed directly on the screens of their computers, telephones or tablets.

How to start sending notifications to your users in Firefox!
You don’t need to integrate anything in order to send notifications. You don’t need any programming knowledge either. We have a ready-made tool that you can launch in 5 minutes. It’s extremely easy to start using PushAd on your website. We’ll guide you through it step by step.

Copy and paste the PushAd code

Attract subscribers