Are you wondering if you could earn money on your website?
Pushad Freemium is primarily an opportunity to gain on your website that could earn better for you. It is also a new form of communication with your readers. You will provide them with information about new posts published on your website, increase website traffic, and improve readers’ loyalty.
Now it is you that is going to decide what messages and when will be displayed to your subscribers. You get access to the full version of PushAd for free!

Web push notifications – benefits for the publisher
Many publishers need to regularly attract new, high-calorie traffic to their website, while looking for innovative, yet cost-efficient solutions. To meet these expectations, we have created the first and only advertising network based on the traffic of site subscribers, which thanks to web push notifications provides publishers with:
- high-calorie traffic – an average CTR of 6%
- delivery of the message immediately after publication (real-time marketing)
- effectiveness of reaching the service’s audience equal to 100%
- high return and retention
- rate of traffic on a monthly basis
- emission of desktop and mobile device content

By joining the PushAd advertising network you get many advantages and benefits. First of all, you get a free-of-charge effective and easy-to-use PushAd tool in the Regular package version thanks to which:
- you will be able to use it to promote your own editorials in any quantity and scope
- you will provide yourself with a tool to support traffic acquisition for commercial articles of your advertisers, which will significantly reduce your costs of buying traffic from external providers
- you will build a base of subscribers for your own website(s), with whom you will be able to communicate in real time, which will regularly translate into higher traffic statistics in a given period, including: the number of visits, their length and depth, time spent on the site
Joining the PushAd advertising network is also an opportunity to make real profits on your site, which could earn even more for you.
The cooperation model is simple and transparent. We lend you, free of charge, a system for managing communication through web push notifications and building your own base of website subscribers, and we provide full training on the system as well as content-related and technical support at every stage of our cooperation. In return, several times a month we will target your subscriber base with advertising campaigns from our Advertisers.
For each redirection of your subscriber to our Advertiser’s site you will be paid PLN 0.20 net/click.